viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

Direfference between US and UK language

Some difference Between US and UK Language
Exist difference between language although they are the same. This happens with the US and UK Language. Both of the countries speak in English, but we can fian a difference in some word. For example, in summer in UK you can wear sunnies but in US you wear sunglasses.
Another example that we can find is when you need to rent a car, in UK you hire a car, and when we are driving a car and you need gasoline, in UK the correct way to say gasoline is petrol.
The last example that I want to share is related with Christmas. The famous person that we know as Santa Claus in UK is called Father Christmas. A logical way to say Santa Claus.

viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

Fall seven times, get up eight.

Fall seven times, get up eight.

I like this proverb, is very useful. We are not perfect, and every day we have to take many decisions and some are better than others. But we have never surrendering, and if you fall, you have to get up and continue with your life.  

In my work is easy to apply this proverb because is common to make mistakes, but if you don´t continues and not try to be better, is possible that you never get up.  I think if a person fall, and don´t try to get up, is worst the negative attitude than the falls

viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

My experiences as a student/ professional, and what I would change if I could start over again

I like to talk first about my student experiences, when I finished my high school, I began to study English in the C.C.C.N in the Speak Plus course almost a year. Then I decided to start my Business Administration career in ULACIT University, and I studied this career thanks to Mother Nature. May be you are thinking why the Mother Nature help me to study. Well, here in Costa Rica we have an organization which is called FONAFIFO which is one of the organizations responsibles to care the environment, and they offers financial benefits if you care the nature. I got one because my family has a farm in La Paz de San Ramon, which is enrolling in this financial benefits, the benefit is basically do not have to chop a trees, preserve the water and do not hunting. So, I finished my Business Administration career and I finished a financial degree thanks to Mother Nature.

I think that if I would like change something about my studies I would like change that I never practice my English since I finished the course until today, and I think that my English is rusty and now I really need it.

When I was in middle of my financial degree, my father and I started a business, this one’s was import use cars from E.E.U.U to Costa Rica. Then we opened a use car agency, but one year later I decide close it and the first reason was the economy recession because the sales came down and the business was not a gainful business. I this case would change the moment when we began to invest in this market.   

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

HP, Good Company

Good company
I  chose Hewlett-Packard (HP) no just because I work there. It is because this company has a long history and is part of the Computer evolution. Since 1939 when a couple of classmate Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard founded HP, before starts make some of the most famous machine, the first product was an audio oscillator created in a simple garage. The first costumer was Walt Disney, they bought the machine to use in a movie.
Now HP passes from a garage to be the bigger computer firm with participation in 181 countries around the world and one of the top 10 companies in the Fortune 500 Business list.  But this company is not only machines; HP is the largest IT Company, which offer services and solution to other companies.
This company always tries to be the best, and be part of the best companies in the market, with new products and services.  And when you are an employee you can know that this company really want to grow, and if the company grow you grow too.

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011


In my opinion, I think the best Work ever is a work relate with travels, know new places, and meet people. I think if you work as a Hotel Manager or similar of this job, you have all these aspect very close. I mean, if you work with hotels is possible that  you have to travel to others hotels around the world, the meetings probable are in restaurants, always meet people related with traveling and you can have option to take  advantage of that!  Have a job where you have connection with tourism makes the best job.

On the other hand, I believe that some bad Job is a mine-worker because is very dangerous.  You have many reasons for don´t enter in a mine, and when you are inside you can´t go back, and if something terrible happened the option of get out with live is very low.

With the prestigious jobs, I thing that be a Mine-worker in Chile (Chi chi chi- le le le) is now a prestigious, but in Costa Rica is not a extraordinary job. But if we talk for example about Franklyn Chan who is a astronaut, he has amazing prestigious job.

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2011

First Blog

Hello every one

My name is Allan, I am in this class because I really want and need to  increase my English skills. I need very much learn write and read in English. I think I have to work more in these skills. Also in speak in past. I have a several time that don`t pratice English, so I need start Now.

I like English because is the most important lenguage aroud the world. Something that I Dislike could be that we have to study very much to get the best English, is not easy, but is the unique option.
